
Biomedical Sciences Experts

Ezekeil Gwinyai Kwembeya

Senior Lecturer
Biological Sciences
University of Namibia


Dr. Ezekeil Kwembeya was born on 18 November 1972 in Mutare, Zimbabwe. He completed his first degree in December 1994, majoring in biology and geography at the University of Zimbabwe. He enrolled for a BSc Honours degree in 1995, in which he majored in Botany and Ecology. In November 1996, he was employed as a Researcher at the National Herbarium of Zimbabwe. He obtained a Master of Science degree in Systematics and Biodiversity Sciences at the University of Cape Town, South Africa. He earned his doctoral degree in December 2006 from the University of Oslo, Norway. The title of his PhD thesis was “The genus Crinum (Amaryllidaceae) - its taxonomy, phylogeny and conservation in Southern Tropical Africa. He made a revision of the genus in the floras of the Zambesiaca area and Namibia using appropriate current methodologies and helped in the description new species and subspecies. In 2005, Dr Kwembeya was appointed as the curator of National herbarium of Namibia (WIND) until September 2012 when he joined the Department of Biological Sciences at UNAM as a Senior Lecturer.

Research Interest

• Plant Growth and Development  • Plant Physiology • Physiology  • Evolution of Biodiversity 

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