Business & Management

Business & Management Experts

Kaushal Raj Kandel

Economics & accounting
K. K. Outsourcing Pvt. Ltd.


n 2011 he started his accounting and auditing profession as assistant. Since then, he has done various Due Diligence assignments, conducted various Internal and Statutory audits of manufacturing, trading, information technology, and service/ consultancy companies, Stock Audits of big corporates for Banks, Transfer Pricing Audit, Tax Consultancy. He has expertise in Internal Audit, Due Diligence, Tax Consultancy, Valuation works & many more. He has been working for NBSM & Associates, Chartered Accountants, Nepal since 2014, during which he has handled many Internal & External Audits, Due Diligence & Valuation Works of various Banks, Hydropower Companies, Manufacturing & Construction Companies.

Research Interest

interested in business

Global Experts from Nepal

Global Experts in Subject

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