
Environmental Sciences Experts

Dr E.e. Massey

Assistant Professor
Environmental Policy Analysis
Institute for Environmental Studies (IVM)
Netherlands Antilles


Eric has been at the Institute for Environmental Studies at the Vrije Universiteit since 2006. Currently he is employed as an Assistant Professor. He works primarily on climate change adaptation policy, environmental governance and the dynamics of policy change. He has taken part in several EU and Dutch government funded projects on other subjects as well, while raising money for research projects. He has been called as an expert for the UNFCCC, and given keynote lectures at conferences. Currently he is also the managing editor of one of the institute’s peer reviewed, ISI rated journals (impact factor 1.214), Journal of Integrative Environmental Sciences. In 2009, he became a lecturer in the institute’s Master’s Degree program teaching Environmental Policy and Governance. In that time he has been consistently rated as one of the best teachers in the course with evaluation scores well above the faculty average. He also teaches in the Earth and Economics programme and two Bachelor’s courses, Environment & Development and International Development. His PhD thesis studies the development of climate change adaptation as a new, developing policy field; an original line of research designed by himself (Thesis title: Innovations in policy: The emergence of climate change adaptation as a new policy field). Eric is the director of his own environmental consulting firm, S&E Associates. Among some of his several projects include reports and papers for the OECD, OSCE, UNDP, and the Belgian Government. Prior to moving to Amsterdam, he worked extensively in the US government; as a policy advisor on Capitol Hill and the Environmental Protection Agency and a researcher and speechwriter in the Clinton White House. He also worked as an international environmental policy expert during an appointment to the OECD in Paris.

Research Interest

Environmental Studies


  • Massey, E.E., Huitema, D., Garrelts, H., Grecksch, K., Mees, H., Rayner, T., Storbjörk, S., Termeer, C. & Winges, M. (2014). Handling adaptation policy choices in Sweden, Germany, the UK and the Netherlands. Journal of Water and Climate Change. 10.2166/wcc.2014.110

  • Massey, E.E. & Huitema, D (2016). The emergence of climate change adaptation as a new field of public policy in Europe. Regional Environmental Change, 16(2), 553–564.

  • Huitema, D., Adger, W.N, Berkhout, F., Massey, E., Mazmanian, D., Munaretto, S., Plummer, R. & Termeer, C.C.J.A.M. (2016). The governance of adaptation: choices, reasons, and effects. Introduction to the Special Feature. Ecology and Society, 21(3), 37.

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