
Dentistry Experts

Shannia Partridge




Research Interest

 Shannia joined the bredent UK team after her apprenticeship with the local council where she gained experience working as a clerical assistant. She is now finishing off her business apprenticeship and is working towards an NVQ level 2. At college, Shannia studied art and design and worked as a waitress part-time. The youngest member of the team, we’re pleased to be Shan’s first full-time employer! The best thing about working for bredent is... that it’s a great stepping stone for my future as it’s given me a wide range of new responsibilities and opportunities to work towards. The people at bredent are lovely which makes the work atmosphere pleasant too! Chat to Shannia about... restoring old motorbikes in the summer house that she built with her dad. Shannia has completed her CBT and CBT Plus so she rides to the bredent UK office in style each morning. She also has a passion for art.

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