
Dentistry Experts

Borasmy Ung

Dental care and Research centre


   Borasmy N Ung was born in Cambodia and immigrated with her family to the United States in 1974. Dr. Ung began her education with the Virginia Commonwealth University where she received her Bachelor’s Degree in Chemistry in 1983. Dr. Ung received her Degree in Dentistry from the University of Maryland in 1983 and completed her specialty training in Endodontics at Loma Linda University in California in 1989. Dr. Ung spends her free time involved in various human rights organizations supporting Cambodian families. Her favorite charity is the “Children’s Surgical Center in Cambodia” and she sends financial support on a regular basis. Once it is safe to travel there it is her desire to be able to visit her home country and actively assist in these organizations that she currently assists with funding. In addition, she is a loyal supporter of The Dental Care Group’s Dentistry from Our Hearts annual event where we provide free dentistry to the underserved in our community.

Research Interest


Global Experts from Netherlands

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