H.f. Tibboel
Assistant Professor
Clinical Psychology
Erasmus MC University
H.F. Tibboel is currently working as Assistant Professor in Department of Clinical Psychology, Erasmus University Rotterdamn, Netherlands.
Research Interest
Clinical Psychology
Tibboel, H.F., Liefooghe, B. & de Houwer, J. (2015). Attention to future actions: the influence of instructed S-R versus S-S mappings on attentional control. Psychological Research-Psychologische Forschung. doi: 10.1007/s00426-015-0695-4
Spruyt, A., Lemaigre, V., Salhi, B., Van Gucht, D., Tibboel, H.F., Van Bockstaele, B., de Houwer, J., Van Meerbeeck, J. & Nackaerts, K (2015). Implicit attitudes towards smoking predict long-term relapse in abstinent smokers. Psychopharmacology, 232 (14).
Tibboel, H.F., de Houwer, J., Dirix, N. & Spruyt, A. (2016). Beyond associations: Do implicit beliefs play a role in smoking addiction? Journal of Psychopharmacology.