Dr. (anne) A.c. Gielen
Associate Professor
Erasmus University Rotterdam
Anne C. Gielen is Associate Professor at the Department of Ecnomics at the Erasmus School of Economics, Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam. She obtained her PhD in Economics from Tilburg University. Afterwards she has been working at Maastricht University and IZA in Bonn. Her research interests are on topics in labor economics, health economics and applied microeconometrics.
Research Interest
A.C. Gielen, C. Myers & J. Holmes (2016). Prenatal testosterone and the Earnings of Men and Women. Journal of Human Resources, 51 (1), 30-61. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.3368/jhr.51.1.30
P. Garcia Gomez & A.C. Gielen (2018). Mortality effects of containing moral hazard: evidence from disability insurance reform. Health Economics.