Dr. (pilar) M.p. Garcia Gomez
Associate Professor
Applied Economics
Erasmus University Rotterdam
Pilar Garcia-Gomez is assistant professor at the department of Applied Ecnomics at Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam. She obtained her PhD in Economics from Universitat Pompeu Fabra in Barcelona. She works in the project "Work, Income and Health across the Life Cycle" from NETSPAR (Network for Studies on pensions, aging and retirement). Her research interests are on topics in health economics and microeconometrics, such as the causal analysis of the relationship of health and socioeconomic status.
Research Interest
Applied Economics
D. Jimenez Rubio & P. Garcia Gomez (2017). Decentralization of health care systems and health outcomes: Evidence from a natural experiment. Social Science & Medicine, 188, 69-81.
P. Garcia Gomez & A.C. Gielen (2018). Mortality effects of containing moral hazard: evidence from disability insurance reform. Health Economics.