Dr. (tamo) T.a. Atabongawung
Academic Researcher
Social Studies
Erasmus University Rotterdam
Atabongawung Tamo joined ISS as a researcher in June 2014. He specialises in international law and development. His current research falls within the broader mandate of the Prince Claus Chair in Development and Equity, and in particular within the context of West Africa’s trade relations with the European Union. Before joining the ISS, he was research fellow at the Centre for Law and Cosmopolitan Values (Universiteit Antwerpen), where he researched on the project ‘Globalisation and Legal Theory’. He has investigated on conflict diamonds and their role in funding and sustaining conflicts in Africa and equally conducted research in the field of business and human rights, with particular interest on corporate human rights responsibility/accountability under international law. Apart from his current line of research, he is interested in contemporary debates on globalisation and Africa. Before pursuing an academic career, Atabongawung worked for the Cameroon National Elections Observatory and Bureau Central des Recensements et des Études de Population (BUCREP) as a Team leader for the 2006 World Bank sponsored population census in Cameroon. He is equally Programme Coordinator at the African Foundation for International Law (AFIL), The Hague. Atabongawung holds a LLB (University of Buea), Maitrise en Droit (University of Yaounde II) MA in Governance and Development Studies (Centre Européen de Recherches Internationales et Stratégiques CERIS-Brussels), Post Graduate in International/EU Law (Universiteit Antwerpen) and a Ph.D. in Law (Universiteit Antwerpen). He has also held visiting research fellowships at the European University Institute (Florence-Italy) and Chaire Hoover d'éthique économique et sociale (Catholic University – Louvain La Neuve)
Research Interest
Social Studies
T.A. Atabongawung (2016). Conflict diamonds are forever in Southern Africa: The case for a human rights-based approach to the Kimberley process. South African Journal on Human Rights, 32 (2), 272-292. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/02587203.2016.1210886[go to publisher's site]
K. Arts & T.A. Atabongawung (2016). The Right to Development in International Law: New Momentum Thirty Years Down the Line? Netherlands International Law Review, 63 (3), 221-249. doi: 10.1007/s40802-016-0066-x