Elbert E. Dijkgraaf
Endowed Professor
Erasmus University Rotterdam
Elbert Dijkgraaf is professor at the Erasmus School of Economics where he holds the chair "Empirical economics of the public sector". He is also fellow of the Tinbergen Institute. Elbert is since June 9 2010 Member of Parliament for the SGP. His research is organized around empirical economics, public sector economics, industrial organization, competition policy, regulation, and environmental policy. The focus of his research is in network sectors (the waste market, the water market, the energy market and the care market), education and environmental issues. He worked for the European Commission, Dutch ministries (Education, Environment, Economic Affairs, Care, Finance), provincial and local governments, private companies (waste, energy, water) and sector organizations (water, waste, notaries, environment). Dijkgraaf published 19 articles in international scientific journals and more than a hundred other professional publications (national journals, policy reports, scientific papers and newspaper articles).
Research Interest
E. Dijkgraaf & R.H.J.M. Gradus (2017). An EU recycling target: What does the Dutch evidence tell us? Environmental and Resource Economics, 02-06-2016. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10640-016-0027-1[go to publisher's site]
R.H.J.M. Gradus, M. Schoute & E. Dijkgraaf (2017). The effects of market concentration on costs of local public services: empirical evidence from Dutch waste collection. Local Government Studies.
E. Dijkgraaf, T.P. van Dorp & E. Maasland (2018). On the effectiveness of feed-in tariffs in the development of photovoltaic solar: An empirical analysis of the OECD region. Energy Journal, 39 (1). doi: 10.5547/01956574.39.1.edij