
Social & Political Sciences Experts

Dr. D.j.w. Meijer

Associate Professor
Leiden University


Dr. D.J.W. Meijer studied Semitic Languages and Archaeology of the Near East at the University of Amsterdam and the University of London. His fieldwork took and takes place (since 1969) in Turkey and Syria. He is especially interested in emergent urbanism and state-formation processes in the Ancient Near East (from ca. 4000 BC onward), their socio-economic correlates such as the growth of trade, as well as in the iconography of cylinder seals. A book is envisaged about the feasibility of modelling the Mesopotamian and Syrian city-states on those of early Renaissance Italy.

Research Interest

Currently he is working, with Dr. Gerrit van der Kooij and several assistant researchers, on an archaeological project financed by NWO and attempting to determine the variability of human response to fluctuating environmental factors in marginal areas in Palestine and Syria. His other interests include the philosophy of science and its application in archaeology.


  • Meijer D.J.W. (2009), Excavations and History: Archaeological Method, Tell Hammam al-Turkman and the Early Second Millennium BC. In: Mazzoni S. (Ed.) Afis Colloquium. Pisa. ?-?

  • Meijer D.J.W. (2009), Nomadism, Pastoralism and Archaeology. In: Miroschedji P. de, et al. (Eds.) Comptes-Rendus du 3ème ICAANE. 2009: Eisenbraun. ?-?

  • Meijer D.J.W. (2010), Another Connection between Sippar and Syria?, Iraq LXXII: 201-204.

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