J.g.a. Bazelmans
Department of Humanity
Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Dutch Organization for Scientific Research (NWO).
Research Interest
General research interests include the factors that shape the production and presentation of art. Particular interests involve the production of art in the 1980s and 1990s.
Should we keep the mills turning? A critical appraisal of the preservation of mills in the Netherlands. Bazelmans, J. G. A. 2012 In : Journal of the International Molinological Society. 84, p. 2-17 16 p.
Atlas van Nederland in het Holoceen. Landschap en bewoning sinds de laatste ijstijd Bazelmans, J. G. A. (ed.), Meier, D. (ed.), Nieuwhof, A. (ed.), Spek, T. (ed.) & Vos, P. (ed.) 2012 Amsterdam: Bert Bakker. 96 `
Erf-goed: Waarde in meervoud Bazelmans, J. G. A. 2012 In : Vitruvius: onafhankelijk vaktijdschrift voor archeologie, cultuurlandschap en monumentenzorg. 20, p. 14-20 7 p.