Andrew Taberner
Neonatology, Paediatric Endocrinology
Auckland University of Technology
New Zealand
Andrew Taberner is a graduate of the University of Waikato, where he studied and lectured in Physics and Electronic Engineering before joining the University of Auckland as a Post-doctoral Fellow in 1999. In 2002, Andrew joined the BioInstrumentation Laboratory in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Boston, USA, as a post-doc and subsequently as a Research Scientist. After six years at MIT developing instrumentation for muscle research, drug discovery and drug delivery, Andrew returned in 2008 to the University of Auckland, where he is an Associate Professor with the Auckland Bioengineering Institute and the Department of Engineering Science. Andrew enjoys teaching the principles and methods of instrumentation and measurement within the BE(Hons) in Biomedical Engineering degree programme and leading a team of post-graduate students in the ABI Bioinstrumentation Laboratory in novel instrumentation design, construction and development.Andrew Taberner is a graduate of the University of Waikato, where he studied and lectured in Physics and Electronic Engineering before joining the University of Auckland as a Post-doctoral Fellow in 1999. In 2002, Andrew joined the BioInstrumentation Laboratory in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Boston, USA, as a post-doc and subsequently as a Research Scientist. After six years at MIT developing instrumentation for muscle research, drug discovery and drug delivery, Andrew returned in 2008 to the University of Auckland, where he is an Associate Professor with the Auckland Bioengineering Institute and the Department of Engineering Science. Andrew enjoys teaching the principles and methods of instrumentation and measurement within the BE(Hons) in Biomedical Engineering degree programme and leading a team of post-graduate students in the ABI Bioinstrumentation Laboratory in novel instrumentation design, construction and development.
Research Interest
Andrew develops medical devices, scientific instruments, and measurement/control systems, for answering questions and meeting needs in muscle research, soft-tissue mechanics, tissue imaging and drug delivery.