Martin Kussmann
Neonatology, Paediatric Endocrinology
Auckland University of Technology
New Zealand
Martin has been recruited as “Professor of Systems Biology in Nutrition and Health†at the Liggins Institute. He has also been appointed Chief Scientist of the NZ “National Science Challenge†on “High-Value Nutritionâ€. In February 2011, Martin joined the Nestlé Institute of Health Sciences (NIHS) on the campus of the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland, as Head of the “Molecular Biomarkers Coreâ€, which he has built from scratch. This core facility and program had initially covered five platforms and teams, i.e. proteomics, metabonomics, lipidomics, micronutrient analysis and diagnostics. Over the first five years of NIHS, Martin seeded lipidomics, micronutrient analysis and diagnostics in his team, and then been spun these out into other research cores, according to their main applications. Proteomics and metabonomics served as the key molecular phenotyping platforms in Martin’s latest “Systems Nutrition Group†which has developed and conducted systems biology-oriented nutrition and health research in the context of healthy ageing with a focus on cognitive, metabolic and intestinal health.Martin has been recruited as “Professor of Systems Biology in Nutrition and Health†at the Liggins Institute. He has also been appointed Chief Scientist of the NZ “National Science Challenge†on “High-Value Nutritionâ€. In February 2011, Martin joined the Nestlé Institute of Health Sciences (NIHS) on the campus of the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland, as Head of the “Molecular Biomarkers Coreâ€, which he has built from scratch. This core facility and program had initially covered five platforms and teams, i.e. proteomics, metabonomics, lipidomics, micronutrient analysis and diagnostics. Over the first five years of NIHS, Martin seeded lipidomics, micronutrient analysis and diagnostics in his team, and then been spun these out into other research cores, according to their main applications. Proteomics and metabonomics served as the key molecular phenotyping platforms in Martin’s latest “Systems Nutrition Group†which has developed and conducted systems biology-oriented nutrition and health research in the context of healthy ageing with a focus on cognitive, metabolic and intestinal health.
Research Interest
Understanding the interplay between genes, diet and lifestyle, in order to act upon healthy ageing and disease prevention, with a focus on metabolic, intestinal and immune health. Nuclear magnetic resonance- (NMR-) and mass spectrometry-based proteomics, lipidomics, metabonomics as well as micronutrient analysis for holistic mechanistic insights into host and gut microbial metabolism across life span. Translation into personalized solutions.