Dr Roberto Solari
Physiology and Cell Biology
New Zealand
Non-Executive Chairman Roberto’s career has been focused at the interface of innovation and entrepreneurship, including technology transfer, venture capital, pharma, biotech and academia. He is currently working at the National Heart and Lung Institute, Imperial College London, on the mechanisms of Rhinovirus replication. He is also an advisor to Imperial Innovations and Brandon Capital, and is on the board of Heptares and the Science Advisory Board of Astex Pharmaceuticals. He was previously Vice President in GSK’s Respiratory Therapy Area based in Stevenage, UK where his role covered drug discovery from target identification through to proof of concept studies in man. Before joining GSK, Roberto was CEO of the UK Medical Research Council’s technology transfer arm, MRCT, creating spin out companies and developing an internal drug discovery group. He has advised and worked in venture capital firms Apax Partners and Abingworth following a period at GlaxoWellcome, and academic positions at the Institut de Biochimie, Universite de Lausanne and Liverpool University. He has a PhD in Physiology and Cell Biology from Nottingham University.
Research Interest
Infectious Diseases