Dr,steve Miller
New Zealand
Dr. Meller spent 18+ year career at P&G. He held various R&D roles in Health Care and was ultimately responsible for the Global Health Care Technology and Clinical organizations during the first half of his tenure. For the remaining 9+ years, he was the Chief Innovation Catalyst. Dr. Meller is currently the managing Director of Creating Dots, LLC, where he has built a portfolio of sustainability companies with a strong focus on the developing world and disruptive approaches to change the world in which we live for the better. He is either the Founder, or sits on the board or advisory board of each of these companies, which all address markets that are well in excess of $10 Billion today. Originally from Adelaide, South Australia, Dr. Meller received his PhD in Neuroscience from the University of Adelaide and studied as a postdoctoral fellowship at the University of Iowa, on the research faculty in Pharmacology. Dr. Meller is Senior Advisor to the CEO of The Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO), the federal government agency for scientific research in Australia.
Research Interest