
Molecular Biology Experts

Professor Joerg Kristler

cellular and molecular biology
New Zealand


Educated at ETH Zurich and University of Basel, former Chair in Cellular & Molecular Biology, University of Auckland, over 100 published articles, Fellow of the Royal Society New Zealand, ex-Director of the School of Biological Sciences, founding Director of the Institute for Innovation in Biotechnology (life sciences incubator). “Being part of the BioPacific team takes my passion of developing strategic partnerships to the international level, connecting global technology companies with leading Australian & New Zealand innovators.” -Professor Joerg Kistler Joerg emigrated from Switzerland to join the University of Auckland in 1984. His early career was devoted to hands-on research science, specialising in molecular ophthalmology and amassing over 100 published articles. This prodigious contribution to his area of research led to Joerg’s election as a Fellow of the Royal Society New Zealand (FRSNZ) in 1997. In 2001 he was appointed as the Director of the School of Biological Sciences, and held the post until 2010. While overseeing the science innovation taking place at the University of Auckland for over 25 years, Joerg was inspired to establish an innovation hub within the School of Biological Sciences – the Institute for Innovation in Biotechnology (IIB) – which would foster early-stage innovation, and help develop the business networks and acumen needed to see world class science through to a worldwide market. Having seen his vision to fruition, Joerg retired from the University in 2013 to become a consultant with his own company, BIO INC Ltd, where he continues to foster networks between academic and commercial groups. Professor Joerg Kistler spends his time in New Zealand & Europe, and represents BioPacific Partners predominantly across these regions.

Research Interest

cellular and molecular biology

Global Experts from New Zealand

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