
Oncology Experts

Trisha Cooney

Bowel Cancer New Zealand
New Zealand


 We are a nationwide, patient led organisation committed to reducing the impact of bowel cancer on our community through awareness, education and support. The charity was founded in 2010 by a group of people affected by bowel cancer, with the support of clinicians committed to improving bowel cancer awareness among the general public and health professionals. The charity aims to provide clear and up-to-date information about: the disease, symptoms, what to do if diagnosed, and treatments. We encourage people to communicate frankly about all aspects of this disease, and not to be embarrassed to talk about bottoms and bowels! Through our work we aim to promote implementation of a national screening program in New Zealand. This is long overdue and we must make sure we get it right. Every year we wait, as many as another 1200 New Zealanders may die needlessly from Bowel Cancer.

Research Interest

 We are a nationwide, patient led organisation committed to reducing the impact of bowel cancer on our community through awareness, education and support. The charity was founded in 2010 by a group of people affected by bowel cancer, with the support of clinicians committed to improving bowel cancer awareness among the general public and health professionals. The charity aims to provide clear and up-to-date information about: the disease, symptoms, what to do if diagnosed, and treatments. We encourage people to communicate frankly about all aspects of this disease, and not to be embarrassed to talk about bottoms and bowels! Through our work we aim to promote implementation of a national screening program in New Zealand. This is long overdue and we must make sure we get it right. Every year we wait, as many as another 1200 New Zealanders may die needlessly from Bowel Cancer.

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