H Joe
Coastal and Freshwater
Cawthron Institute
New Zealand
Joe is a senior scientist and project manager in the Coastal and Freshwater Group. He is involved in a range of freshwater management projects, with a focus on in-stream flow assessments and freshwater fishery management. His expertise in this area relates to the general ecology and distribution of freshwater fish, hydraulic habitat modelling, fish passage and fish screening.
Research Interest
Ecology of freshwater ecosystems and the consequences of human modification Extensive experience with the Resource Management Act, preparing documents to support consent processes, peer reviewing assessments of environmental effects and preparing the giving of evidence at council consent hearings In-stream habitat and flow modelling, using in-stream flow incremental methodology (IFIM), including 1D (RHYHABSIM) and 2D modelling (River2D) Native fish ecology and distribution Fish passage and fish screening