Dr Brian Mcguinness
Head of New Product and Business Opportunities
Business Development
Crescendo Biologics Ltd.
New Zealand
As Head of New Product and Business Opportunities, Brian is a member of the executive team and responsible for identifying and engaging new, strategically aligned opportunities for developing novel Humabody therapeutics in-house or through collaboration. He has over 23 years’ experience in biotechnology, first at Cambridge Antibody Technology in the team developing Humira® mAb with BASF (Abbott), then assessing new biologics opportunities in business development for CAT and AstraZeneca, before coordinating collaboration and licensing opportunities. From 2007, Brian provided strategic consulting in biologics drug discovery, project management and due diligence for clients including Crescendo, Heptares, Algeta, BerGenBio, Imperial Innovations, Apex Healthcare Consulting and Alacrita. Brian has a BSc in Microbiology from the University of Bristol, a PhD in Vaccine Development from the University of Southampton, and an MBA from the Open University
Research Interest
Pharmaceutics, clinical sciences,biotechnology, biomedical, drug delivery, Health Sciences, Sustainability, testing and inspection , chemical, environmental solutions, biochemistry