
Food & Nutrition Experts

Ajmal Khan

Senior Scientist 
Animal Nutrition & Physiology dept,New Zealand Pastoral Agri
Crown Research Institute
New Zealand


Dr. Ajmal Khan is affiliated to Animal Nutrition & Physiology dept, New Zealand Pastoral Agriculture Research Institute , where Dr. Ajmal Khan is currently working as Senior Scientist . Dr. Ajmal Khan has authored and co-authored several national and international publications and also working as a reviewer for reputed professional journals. Dr. Ajmal Khan is having an active association with different societies and academies around the world. Dr. Ajmal Khan made his mark in the scientific community with the contributions and widely recognition from honourable subject experts around the world. Dr. Ajmal Khan has received several awards for the contributions to the scientific community. Dr. Ajmal Khan major research interest involves Efforts to improve feed efficiency, reduce impact of livestock production on environment and devise rearing systems for better livestock management are vital to feed escalating human population in a sustainable way. To enhance productivity, health and welfare of dairy animals through devising better feeding methods.

Research Interest

Efforts to improve feed efficiency, reduce impact of livestock production on environment and devise rearing systems for better livestock management are vital to feed escalating human population in a sustainable way. To enhance productivity, health and welfare of dairy animals through devising better feeding methods


  • Khan MA, Weary DM, von Keyserlingk MAG (2011) Invited Review: Effects of milk ration on solid feed intake, weaning and performance in dairy heifers. J Dairy Sci 94: 1071-1081.

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