
Engineering Experts

Kathryn Maccallum

Department of Computer Science
Eastern Institute of Technology
New Zealand


Kathryn MacCallum is a senior lecturer and Programme Coordinator of the Postgraduate Programme within the School of Computing. She has taught at a tertiary level for over 10 years at a number of locations including at PTE, Polytechnics and University level teaching both business and computing qualifications (undergraduate and post-graduate). Her teaching is underpinned by her research which is driven by her passion to be a better teacher and develop effective teaching practices usually with the use of appropriate educational technology. She has a PhD in Information Technology from Massey University (NZ) focusing on mobile learning adoption and has wide experience in both academia and industry. Her research has been well received by both the academic world and local and international media (She was interviewed by TV, radio and print media about her PhD research). Her survey which she developed for her thesis has been adopted and translated into a number of languages. She has also been a guest speaker for a number of academic events. And she has authored over 30 academic articles including book chapters, journals and conferences mainly in the area of mobile learning and educational technology. She is an editor for Journal of Information Technology Education: Innovations in Practice and Journal of Information Technology Education: Research and Associate Editor of International Journal of Mobile and Blended Learning (IJMBL). She has also been a lead researcher for a National Project funded by Ako Aotearoa involving six tertiary institutions addressing learners and their use of mobile technology. As well as being involved in two other big international and domestic research projects (Massey University, NZ (EQuake) and Athabasca University, Canada (Learning Communities Project). She is a member of the International Association for Mobile Learning and the special interest group for Mobile Learning ASCILITE, Co-President of ANZmLearn, a committee member of Flexible Learning Association of New Zealand and New Zealand Association (FLANZ) and the New Zealand Association of Cooperative Education (NZACE). She is the Monitor for Unitec’s Masters of Applied Practices Programme as well as course moderator for a number of programmes around NZ.

Research Interest

Project Management, E-Business Strategies, User Interface Design, Electronic Design, Advanced Mobile and Wireless Technologies, Research in IT, Supervisor for Masters in IT and Level 7 Internships.


  • MacCallum, K., & Bell, H. (2015). Smart devices for supporting inquiry and conversations in early childhood education. He Kupu Word, 4(1), 31-39.

  • MacCallum, K. (2007). Mobile technology in facilitating learning goals.

  • Graf, S., MacCallum, K., Liu, T. C., Chang, M., Wen, D., Tan, Q., ... & McGreal, R. (2008, March). An infrastructure for developing pervasive learning environments. In Pervasive Computing and Communications, 2008. PerCom 2008. Sixth Annual IEEE International Conference on (pp. 389-394). IEEE.

  • MacCallum, K., & Jeffrey, L. (2009). Identifying discriminating variables that determine mobile learning adoption by educators: An initial study. Same places, different spaces. Proceedings ascilite Auckland 2009, 602-608.

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