Dr Lynne Lane
HealthCare NZ
New Zealand
Former Mental Health Commissioner at the Health and Disability Commission, Dr Lynne Lane has held a number of senior positions within the public sector, including Chair Commissioner of the Mental Health Commission, Director of Public Health at the Ministry of Health and Acting Chief Executive of the Central RHA. In the private sector Dr Lane owned and developed an innovative and financially successful general practice before specialising in Public Health Medicine. Since specialising, she established and managed a multi-million dollar company which achieved the goal of significantly reducing the costs of medicines in New Zealand. She has also undertaken a wide range of consulting assignments for government-funded organisations, the World Health Organisation, the World Bank, NGOs, and private companies. Dr Lane is currently a Management Consultant to ACC, and holds several directorships, including Board Member of the CHT Charitable Trust, Managing Director of Affordable Healthcare and Zygal International Limited, and Chair of the Advisory Board of the Turanga for Research into Tobacco Control, University of Auckland.
Research Interest