Roger Sowry
Deputy Chair
HealthCare NZ
New Zealand
Roger Sowry was a member of Parliament from 1990 to 2005, during which he served as Chief Whip (1994-1996), and chaired the Health Select Committee (1993-1996). Following the 1996 election Roger was appointed to cabinet as Minister of Social Welfare, a position he held for three years. He also served as Associate Minister of Health (1996-1998) and Leader of the House (1998-1999). Roger retired from parliament in 2005 moving to become Chief Executive of Arthritis New Zealand. Roger is currently a professional director and a partner of government relations consultancy Saunders Unsworth Ltd, serves as a Member of the Electricity Authority and Chairs TeamTalk, Homecare Medical and WelTec/ Whitireia Boards.
Research Interest