Elizabeth Hopkins
Independent Director
Innate Immunotherapeutics
New Zealand
Elizabeth (Liz) trained at Oxford University and holds a First Class Honours degree in Pharmacology. She has spent over 20 years successfully commercialising science outcomes and holds several Director positions, including being a Ministerial appointment to the Council of International Accreditation New Zealand. She has previously been Deputy Chair of NZBIO and was CEO at Wool Equities/Keratec, CEO at Encoate (a start-up biotech), and Chief Development Officer at NeuronZ. Liz is currently Director, Research and Innovation at Lincoln University (Christchurch, NZ). Before moving to New Zealand in 2001, she was with Pfizer's European headquarters for 10 years, the last 2 years as a Global Project Manager. Liz was previously a director of the Company from 1 June 2009 until 19 September 2013 and was reappointed as a Director on 17 October 2013.
Research Interest
Research interest on Pharmacology