Christopher Rosin
Environment, Society and Design
Lincoln University New Zealand
New Zealand
As a trained geographer, Chris takes a keen interest in the interrelations between humans and the places they inhabit. His research background is located in the field of political ecology, leading to investigations of wine production and regionalism along the Mosel River in Germany, coffee production and the potential for organic practices in Costa Rica, and the implications of a common market for the production of yerba mate in Brazil and Paraguay. On the basis of this experience, Chris was invited to join a transdisciplinary research group (ARGOS) investigating the role of best practice audits for environmental governance in the New Zealand kiwifruit and sheep/beef sectors. He is looking forward to bringing his research experience to the classroom and student supervision.
Research Interest
Social theory, including Convention Theory, Actor Network Theory, assemblage approaches, utopian politics, Political ecology, Value creation through audit and labelling, Agri-environmental governance in agriculture, Climate change and agriculture, Food security, Rural geography/sociology.