Kathryn Bicknell
Agribusiness and Commerce
Lincoln University New Zealand
New Zealand
Kathryn has a long standing interest in the role and impact of regulation on primary production, consumer behaviour and resource management. Since joining the faculty at Lincoln University in 1993 she has been contracted by a wide range of governmental and research organizations to conduct research into economic aspects of issues such as pest and disease control, clean air policy, waterway enhancement, economic impact assessment and natural resource management. This applied research provides inspiration for her teaching as well as an empirical foundation for work of a more theoretical nature which she publishes in academic journals or presents at professional conferences. Since her appointment to the Ministerial National Animal Welfare Advisory Committee, Kathryn’s research has focused on economic aspects of animal welfare policy. She is particularly interested in using economic theory to better understand the magnitude and distribution of the costs and benefits of animal welfare policy, as well as the extent to which varying welfare standards might influence patterns of international trade. In addition to the research activity listed below, Kathryn has reviewed papers for a range of academic journals, including the Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, the American Journal of Agricultural Economics, the International Journal of Sustainable Development, and the Review of Applied Economics.
Research Interest
Agribusiness, Economics, Trade and Environment