
Environmental Sciences Experts

Robert Hill

Bio-Protection Research Centre
Lincoln University New Zealand
New Zealand


Dr Robert Hill is a senior scientist, the Principal Research Officer and leader of the Trichoderma Research Group at the Bio-Protection Research Centre, Lincoln University. His current research focus is crop bioprotection systems, including those for use by the forestry industry in New Zealand and SE Asia. He now leads the MBIE programme Ecosystems Bioprotection and several other key research programmes and projects. Robert joined the Bio-Protection Research Centre in January 2008, following five years at BioDiscovery NZ Ltd. He is particularly skilled at isolating and identifying fungi from various substrates, and subsequently developing novel, biocontrol alternatives to pesticides with a special emphasis on root endophytic Trichoderma isolates that enhance plant vigour and reduce disease incidence. From May 1985, Robert worked for the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, Technology Division, which evolved into the Horticulture and Food Research Institute of New Zealand (now Plant & Food Research). From 1992 to 1999 he was science manager for the Natural Products and Natural Systems groups, and Portfolio Manager for forestry. Robert has played a key role in the succesful commercialisation of several biological control agents. Originally from England, Robert's work included placements in the UK, Brazil and US before he moved to New Zealand and subsequently international consultancies in the Sudan, Chile, Malaysia and Indonesia.

Research Interest

His current research focus is crop bioprotection systems, including those for use by the forestry industry in New Zealand and SE Asia. He now leads the MBIE programme Ecosystems Bioprotection and several other key research programmes and projects.

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