Geoff Willmott
Physics and Chemistry
Macdiarmid Institute for Advanced Materials and NanoTechnology
New Zealand
Geoff grew up in Auckland and studied at the University of Cambridge, obtaining a PhD in shock physics in 2005. The following year he returned to New Zealand and Industrial Research Limited, where he worked in the Nano and Micro Fluidics team for 8 years, before joining the University of Auckland in 2013. Geoff has collaborated with industrial partners including Qinetiq, de Beers and Izon Science, and has previously worked in management consultancy. He currently leads the Institute’s “Bionano/Nanobio and Soft Matter” Theme and was awarded a Rutherford Discovery Fellowship in 2012.
Research Interest
Nanofluidics is the study and application of fluid flow in and around nanoscale structures, inspired by microfluidics, nanoscience and biotechnology. The range of tools available to researchers who wish to manipulate fluids at the nanoscale is presently limited. We use theory and experimentation to develop novel tools for harnessing nanofluidic transport. Key research topics include tunable nanopores, capillarity and motion of phase boundaries, and drop splashes on water-repellent surfaces.