Maan Alkaisi
Electrical & Computer Engineering
Macdiarmid Institute for Advanced Materials and NanoTechnology
New Zealand
Dr. Alkaisi is a Principal Investigator of the MacDiarmid Institute for Advanced Material and Nanotechnology. He is the founder and coordinator of the MacDiarmid Institute BioNanoNetwork. He holds a full Professor position at the Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand. He is a founding member of the Nanostructure Engineering Science and Technology NEST research group formed back in 1998 at Canterbury University and was the core group that introduced nanotechnology to New Zealand. Dr Alkaisi carried out his postgraduate studies in the UK where he received his MSc degree from Salford University in 1976 and PhD degree from Sheffield University in 1981 both in Electronic Engineering.
Research Interest
His current research interest including, interactions of biological cells with surfaces and pattern and development of nanoscale patterning technologies. He has over 120 refereed articles and holds two patents, has given a number of invited and plenary talks.