Michele Governale
Associate Professor
Chemical and Physical Sciences
Macdiarmid Institute for Advanced Materials and NanoTechnology
New Zealand
After obtaining his PhD from the University of Pisa in Italy in 2001, Michele has held postdoctoral positions at the University of Karsluhe, Scuola Normale Superiore in Pisa, Ruhr-Unversität Bochum, and Dusiburg-Essen University. In 2009 he moved to Victoria University of Wellington in New Zealand, where he is currently based. His present research focuses on the theory of quantum transport in nanostructures, spin-dependent phenomena, and hybrid normal-superconducting systems.
Research Interest
Theoretical condensed matter physics, theory and modelling of nanoscale systems, quantum transport in low-dimensional systems (Nanoelectronics), spin-dependent phenomena (Spintronics), time-dependent transport in nanodevices, hybrid normal-superconducting structures.