Gus Habermann
Senior Tutor
Massey University, Manawatu
New Zealand
Dr. Gus Habermann is currently working as a Senior Tutor in the Department of School of Psychology, Massey univesity, Manawatū , Newzealand. His research interests includes Cognition, psychology of language and communication, Comprehension models. . He is serving as an editorial member and reviewer of several international reputed journals. Dr. Gus Habermann is the member of many international affiliations. He has successfully completed his Administrative responsibilities. He has authored of many research articles/books related to Cognition, psychology of language and communication, Comprehension models. . "
Research Interest
Cognition, psychology of language and communication, Comprehension models.
abermann, GM. (2001, August). The place of inferential miscommunication in models of communicative competence. Presented at 14th New Zealand Linguistic Society Conference. University of Canterbury, Christchurch, NZ.
Habermann, GM., Klein, S., Hajtman, B., & Jeeves, MA. (2012). Properties of learning mathematical structures at different stages of individual development. [original chapter title= A matematikai struktúrák tanulásának fejlődési sajátosságai]. In S. Klein (Ed.) In S. Klein (Ed.), Enjoying learning: A psychologist reflects on pedagogy (orig. Tanulni jó: Egy pszichológus a pedagógiáról) (pp. 409-443). Budapest (Hungary): EDGE-2000 KFT & SHL Hungary KFT, Publishers. (pp. 409 - 443). Budapest, Hungary: Budapest (Hungary): EDGE-2000 KFT & SHL Hungary KFT, Publishers.
Habermann, GM., & Fletcher-Flinn,, CM. (2006). A conspectus of cognitive inquiry in New Zealand/ Aotearoa: An introduction.. In CM. Fletcher-Flinn, & GM. Haberman (Eds.) Cognition and language: Perspectives from New Zealand (pp. xiii – xx). Bowen Hills (Queensland): Australian Academic Press.. (pp. xiii - xx). Brisbane QLD Australia: Academic Press Brisbane QLD