Andrew Drain
Lecturer in Product Design
School of Engineering and Advanced Technology
Massey University
New Zealand
"Dr. Andrew Drain is currently working as a Lecturer in Product Design in the Department of Engineering and Advanced Technology-Albany, Massey univesity , Newzealand. His research interests includes Engineering Education (User-centred-design, product design, modelling and ergonomics). He /she is serving as an editorial member and reviewer of several international reputed journals. Dr. Andrew Drain is the member of many international affiliations. He/ She has successfully completed his Administrative responsibilities. He /she has authored of many research articles/books related to Engineering Education (User-centred-design, product design, modelling and ergonomics). "
Research Interest
Engineering Education (User-centred-design, product design, modelling and ergonomics), Product Development for Emerging Markets
Drain, AR. (2017, May). Human-centered-design: An insight into South-East Asian rural markets. Presented at Manufacturing and Design New Zealand 2017. Auckland, New Zealand.
Shekar, A., & Drain, A. (2016). Community engineering: Raising awareness, skills and knowledge to contribute towards sustainable development. International Journal of Mechanical Engineering Education. 44(4), 272-283
Drain, A., Shekar, A., & Grigg, N. (2017). ‘Involve me and I’ll understand’: creative capacity building for participatory design with rural Cambodian farmers. CoDesign. , 1-18