David Horne
Associate Professor
Department of Soil science
Massey University
New Zealand
Dr. David Horne is currently working as a Associate Professor in Soil Science, Institute of Agriculture and Environment, Massey University,. New Zealand. He is currently doing Doctoral Supervision
Research Interest
He likes to work Combined land and water (river) discharge of sewage.
Harrington, KC., Horne, DJ., & Kemp, PD. (2014). Can differences in Cirsium arvense and Rumex obtusifolius densities within pastures be explained by soil parameters?. New Zealand Plant Protection. 67, 238-244 [Journal article]Authored by: Harrington, K., Horne, D., Kemp, P.
Hanly, JA., Hedley, MJ., & Horne, DJ. (2017). Effects of summer turnip forage cropping and pasture renewal on nitrogen and phosphorus losses in dairy farm drainage waters: A three-year field study. Agricultural Water Management. 181, 10-17 [Journal article]Authored by: Hanly, J., Hedley, M., Horne, D.
Higham, CD., Horne, D., Singh, R., Kuhn-Sherlock, B., & Scarsbrook, MR. (2017). Water use on nonirrigated pasture-based dairy farms: Combining detailed monitoring and modeling to set benchmarks. Journal of Dairy Science. 100(1), 828-840 [Journal article]Authored by: Horne, D., Singh, R.