Dr Carla Eaton
Lecturer in Genetics
Institute of Fundamental Sciences
Massey University
New Zealand
Dr. Carla Eaton is currently working as a Lecturer in the Department of Genetics, Massey univesity , Newzealand. Her research interests includes  interactions, or symbioses, formed between plants and fungi. she is particularly interested in the molecular mechanisms that determine whether a given interaction will be beneficial or detrimental. This is investigated using a variety of approaches, including gene replacement of predicted symbiotic regulators, and high throughput RNA sequencing of symbiotic mutants.she is serving as an editorial member and reviewer of several international reputed journals. Dr. Carla Eaton is the member of many international affiliations. She has successfully completed her Administrative responsibilities. She has authored of many research articles/books related to  interactions, or symbioses, formed between plants and fungi. I am particularly interested in the molecular mechanisms that determine whether a given interaction will be beneficial or detrimental. This is investigated using a variety of approaches, including gene replacement of predicted symbiotic regulators, and high throughput RNA sequencing of symbiotic mutants..
Research Interest
Fungal Molecular Biology Plant-Fungal Interactions Reactive Oxygen Signalling Lipid Signalling
Dupont, PY., Eaton, CJ., Wargent, JJ., Fechtner, S., Solomon, P., Schmid, J., . . . Cox, MP. (2015). Fungal endophyte infection of ryegrass reprograms host metabolism and alters development. New Phytologist. 208(4), 1227-1240
Eaton, CJ., Dupont, P-Y., Solomon, P., Clayton, W., Scott, B., & Cox, MP. (2015). A core gene set describes the molecular basis of mutualism and antagonism in Epichloë spp. Molecular plant-microbe interactions : MPMI. 28, 218-231
Clayton, W., Eaton, CJ., Dupont, PY., Gillanders, T., Cameron, N., Saikia, S., . . . Scott, B. (2017). Analysis of simple sequence repeat (SSR) structure and sequence within Epichloë endophyte genomes reveals impacts on gene structure and insights into ancestral hybridization events. PLoS ONE. 12(9)