
Biomedical Sciences Experts

Dr Emma Hudson-doyle

School of Psychology
Massey University
New Zealand


Dr. Emma Hudson-Doyle is currently working as a Lecturer in the Department of Disaster Research, Massey univesity , Newzealand. Her research interests includes Communication of scientific uncertainty, decision making under uncertainty, Integration of advice and numerical models into emergency decision making, Effective communication of event probabilities, forecasts and warnings.Interpretation of multi-parameter geophysical data of hazardous flows, and analytical and numerical models of these phenomena.. she is serving as an editorial member and reviewer of several international reputed journals. Dr. Emma Hudson-Doyle is the member of many international affiliations. She has successfully completed her Administrative responsibilities. she has authored of many research articles/books related to Communication of scientific uncertainty, decision making under uncertainty, Integration of advice and numerical models into emergency decision making, Effective communication of event probabilities, forecasts and warnings.Interpretation of multi-parameter geophysical data of hazardous flows, and analytical and numerical models of these phenomena..

Research Interest

Communication of scientific uncertainty, decision making under uncertainty, Integration of advice and numerical models into emergency decision making, Effective communication of event probabilities, forecasts and warnings.Interpretation of multi-parameter geophysical data of hazardous flows, and analytical and numerical models of these phenomena.


  • Jon, I., Lindell, MK., Prater, CS., Huang, SK., Wu, HC., Johnston, DM., . . . Lambie, E. (2016). Behavioral response in the immediate aftermath of shaking: Earthquakes in Christchurch and Wellington, New Zealand, and Hitachi, Japan. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 13(11)

  • Tan, ML., Prasanna, R., Stock, K., Hudson-Doyle, E., Leonard, G., & Johnston, D. (2017). Mobile applications in crisis informatics literature: A systematic review. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction. 24, 297-311

  • Khan, S., Mishra, JL., Lin, KHE., & Doyle, EEH. (2017). Rethinking communication in risk interpretation and action. Natural Hazards. 88(3), 1709-1726

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