Dr Gillian Rapson
Senior Lecturer
Senior Lecturer
Massey University
New Zealand
Dr. Gillian Rapson is currently working as a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Ecology / Zoology, Massey univesity , Newzealand. Her research interests includes Dunes, especially Manawatu, Wetlands, especially mires, Restoration, especially forests, Grasslands, especially carbon dynamics, Invasions, including in urban areas. She is serving as an editorial member and reviewer of several international reputed journals. Dr. Gillian Rapson is the member of many international affiliations. She has successfully completed her Administrative responsibilities. she has authored of many research articles/books related to Dunes, especially Manawatu, Wetlands, especially mires, Restoration, especially forests, Grasslands, especially carbon dynamics, Invasions, including in urban areas.
Research Interest
Her research topic is vulnerability of vegetation to both endogenous and anthropogenic disturbances and how these impact on ecosystem sustainability. She investigate how vegetation (esp. New Zealand's) normally functions, and how it responds to novel perturbations (often due to human impacts), compared with changes within its evolutionary "experience", as a measure of vegetation's vulnerability.
Redpath, DT., & Rapson, GL. (2015). An extreme flood event initiates a decade of stand collapse in Beilschmiedia tawa forest, Turakina Valley, Rangitikei, New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Botany. 53(1), 38-59
Rapson, GL. (2015). John Bastow Wilson (1944-2015). Journal of Vegetation Science. 26(4), 816-820
Rapson, GL. (2015). John Bastow Wilson (1944-2015) OBITUARY. JOURNAL OF VEGETATION SCIENCE. 26(4), 816-820