
Agri and Aquaculture Experts

Dr Jeya Jeyakumar

Research Officer
Institute of Agriculture and Environment
Massey University
New Zealand


"Dr. Jeya Jeyakumar is currently working as a Research Officer in the Department of Institute of Agriculture and Environment , Massey univesity , Newzealand. His research interests includes Environmental issues of heavy metals bioavailability in soil, water and wastewater system Carbon, phosphorus and nitrogen dynamics in soil and plant Environmental issues in relation to natural disasters Soil–root interface with special concern on Mycorrhiza and soil microorganisms . He  is serving as an editorial member and reviewer of several international reputed journals. Dr. Jeya Jeyakumar is the member of many international affiliations. He has successfully completed his Administrative responsibilities. He  has authored of many research articles/books related to Environmental issues of heavy metals bioavailability in soil, water and wastewater system Carbon, phosphorus and nitrogen dynamics in soil and plant Environmental issues in relation to natural disasters Soil–root interface with special concern on Mycorrhiza and soil microorganisms . "

Research Interest

Environmental issues of heavy metals bioavailability in soil, water and wastewater system Carbon, phosphorus and nitrogen dynamics in soil and plant Environmental issues in relation to natural disasters Soil–root interface with special concern on Mycorrhiza and soil microorganisms


  • Jeyakumar, P., Müller, K., Deurer, M., Van den Dijssel, C., Mason, K., Le Mire, G., . . . Clothier, B. (2014). A novel approach to quantify the impact of soil water repellency on run-off and solute loss. Geoderma. 221-222, 121-130

  • Müller, K., Deurer, M., Jeyakumar, P., Mason, K., van den Dijssel, C., Green, S., . . . Clothier, B. (2014). Temporal dynamics of soil water repellency and its impact on pasture productivity. Agricultural Water Management. 143, 82-92

  • Black, M., Miller, S., Dean, F., Carder, D., Jeyakumar, P., & Anderson, CWN. (2014). Getting to grips with copper chemistry. New Zealand Kiwifruit Journal. November/December 2014(228), 23-25

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