Dr Paul Dijkwel
Senior Lecturer
Institute of Fundamental Sciences
Massey University
New Zealand
Dr. Â Paul Dijkwel is currently working as a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Institute of Fundamental Sciences, Massey univesity , Newzealand. His research interests includes Carmellia petal blight resistance, The Role of Arabidopsis, Pachycladon species evolved traits to adapt to New Zealand habitats. He is serving as an editorial member and reviewer of several international reputed journals. Dr. Â Paul Dijkwel is the member of many international affiliations. He has successfully completed his Administrative responsibilities. He has authored of many research articles/books related to Carmellia petal blight resistance, The Role of Arabidopsis, Pachycladon species evolved traits to adapt to New Zealand habitats.
Research Interest
Carmellia petal blight resistance, The Role of Arabidopsis, Pachycladon species evolved traits to adapt to New Zealand habitats
Jayaraman, J., Miret, JA., Munné-Bosch, S., & Dijkwel, PP. (2016). Redox and hormone profiling of a Nicotiana tabacum dedifferentiated protoplast culture suggests a role for a cytokinin and gibberellin in plant totipotency. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture. 124(2), 295-306
Tahir, J., & Dijkwel, P. (2016). β-Substituting alanine synthases: Roles in cysteine metabolism and abiotic and biotic stress signalling in plants. Functional Plant Biology. 43(4), 307-323
Miret, JA., Munné-Bosch, S., & Dijkwel, PP. (2017). ABA signalling manipulation suppresses senescence of a leafy vegetable stored at room temperature.. Plant Biotechnol J.