Dr Rose Motion
Senior Tutor
Institute of Fundamental Sciences
Massey University
New Zealand
Dr. Rose Motion is currently working as a Senior Tutor in the Department of  Fundamental Sciences, Massey univesity , Newzealand.
Research Interest
Food packaging and Fundamental Sciences.
Hill, JP., Blackwell, LF., Buckley, PD., & Motion, RL. (1991). Steady-State and Pre-Steady-State Kinetics of Propionaldehyde Oxidation by Sheep Liver Cytosolic Aldehyde Dehydrogenase at pH 5.2. Evidence That the Release of NADH Remains Rate-Limiting in the Enzyme Mechanism at Acid pH Values. Biochemistry. 30(5), 1390-1394
Wong, KKY., Signal, FA., Campion, SH., & Motion, RL. (2004). Using natural plant extracts in packaging as insect repellents. Appita Annual Conference. 1, 109-113
Wong, KKY., Signal, FA., Campion, SH., & Motion, RL. (2005). Citronella as an insect repellent in food packaging. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 53(11), 4633-4636