
Agri and Aquaculture Experts

Ian Fuller

Associate Professor
Institute of Agriculture and Environment
Massey University
New Zealand


Dr. Ian Fuller  is currently working as a Associate Professor in the Department of Institute of Agriculture and Environment, Massey univesity , Newzealand. His research interests includes (i) river channel dynamics and interaction with river habitat; (ii) flood histories and catchment response to environmental change; (iii) slope-channel coupling and catchment connectivity. He  is serving as an editorial member and reviewer of several international reputed journals. Dr. Ian Fuller  is the member of many international affiliations. He has successfully completed his Administrative responsibilities. He  has authored of many research articles/books related to (i) river channel dynamics and interaction with river habitat; (ii) flood histories and catchment response to environmental change; (iii) slope-channel coupling and catchment connectivity.

Research Interest

Focused in fluvial geomorphology, His research and teaching concentrates on: (i) river channel dynamics and interaction with river habitat; (ii) flood histories and catchment response to environmental change; (iii) slope-channel coupling and catchment connectivity. Within this platform of research there is considerable breadth and diversity, including hazard assessment and impacts on stream ecology. he co-direct Massey's Innovative River Solutions Centre. He also actively engage in pedagogic research and the scholarship of teaching, and was awarded a Vice Chancellor's Teaching Excellence Award in 2015.


  • Clement, AJH., Fuller, IC., & Sloss, CR. (2017). Facies architecture, morphostratigraphy, and sedimentary evolution of a rapidly-infilled Holocene incised-valley estuary: The lower Manawatu valley, North Island New Zealand. Marine Geology. 390, 214-233

  • Marchese, E., Scorpio, V., Fuller, IC., McColl, ST., & Comiti, F. (2017). Morphological changes in alpine rivers following the end of the Little Ice Age. Geomorphology.

  • Abbott, S., Julian, J., Kamarina, I., Fuller, I., McColl, ST., & Dymond, J. (2017). State-shifting at the edge of resilience: river suspended sediment responses to land use change and extreme storms. Geomorphology.

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