Igor Boglaev
Computational Mathematics
Massey University
New Zealand
Dr. Igor Boglaev is currently working as a Professor in the Department of Computational Mathematics, Massey univesity , Newzealand.
Research Interest
Computer Science, Fundamental Sciences
Boglaev, I. (2016). Monotone iterative ADI method for solving coupled systems of nonlinear parabolic equations. Applied Numerical Mathematics. 108, 204-222
Boglaev, I. (2016). Numerical methods for systems of nonlinear integro-parabolic equations of volterra type. Journal of Integral Equations and Applications. 28(3), 309-342
Boglaev, IP. (2017). Monotone iterates for systems of nonlinear integro-elliptic equations. ANZIAM Journal : Electronic Supplement. 58, C1-C16