
Agri and Aquaculture Experts

Isabel Castro

Associate Professor
Massey University
New Zealand


Dr. Isabel Castro is currently working as a Associate Professor in the Department of Ecology/Zoology, Massey univesity , Newzealand. Her research interests includes behavioural ecology and the relationship between parasites and their hosts. she is serving as an editorial member and reviewer of several international reputed journals. Dr. Isabel Castro is the member of many international affiliations. She has successfully completed his Administrative responsibilities. she has authored of many research articles/books related to behavioural ecology and the relationship between parasites and their hosts.

Research Interest

She have research interests in two areas: behavioural ecology and the relationship between parasites and their hosts. The underlying link between these subjects is conservation. She is  interested in how an animal's behaviours are affected by the environmental changes caused by human colonisation and how, in turn, the behavioural responses of the animals to those changes are bound by their evolutionary history. For this part of my research I have focussed on working with endemic endangered species that have behaviours that She  consider of particular interest. She is also interested in the effect of parasites on the hosts' ability to survive under natural and under conservation management conditions; and the ability of native parasites to survive the management we employ on their hosts.


  • Morgan, KJ., Pomroy, WE., Howe, L., Alley, MR., & Castro, I. (2017). Description of four new species of coccidia (Apicomplexa: Eimeriidae) from brown kiwi, Apteryx mantelli, in New Zealand. Parasitology Research. 116(5), 1433-1441

  • Reynolds, SM., Castro, I., Alley, MR., & Cunningham, SJ. (2017). Apteryx spp. (Kiwi) possess an uropygial gland: Anatomy and pathology. European Journal of Anatomy. 21(2), 125-139

  • Strang, K., Castro, I., Blunden, G., & Shepherd, L. (2017). The diet of weasels (Mustela nivalis vulgaris) from Purerua Peninsula, Bay of Islands, New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Zoology. , 1-8

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