Ken Mercer
Senior Tutor
School of Engineering and Advanced Technology
Massey University
New Zealand
"Dr. Ken Mercer is currently working as a Senior Tutor in the Department of Engineering and Advanced Technology-Albany, Massey univesity , Newzealand.
Research Interest
Robotics, Mechatronics, Analogue Electronics, Digital Electronics.
Sen Gupta, G., Mercer, K., Shi, W., & Bronlund, J. (2016). Towards the development of a low-cost food texture analyser. IEEE I2MTC 2016 Proceedings. (pp. 1 - 6). : 2016 IEEE International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference
Weir, R., & Mercer, KA. (2004). Class D digital audio amplifier. Projects: Project Papers by the Final-Year Students of the Bachelor of Engineering and Bachelor of Technology. 13, 203-207
White, RS., & Mercer, KA. (2004). Solar battery charger. Projects: Project Papers by the Final-Year Students of the Bachelor of Engineering and Bachelor of Technology. 13, 208-212