
General Science Experts

Pasifika Matalena Leaupepe

Chief Advisory
cheif excecutive officer
Neurowave, Lda
New Zealand


MBIE supports Pacific communities’ economic development through better coordination and facilitation of economic development initiatives, and by working collaboratively with other government agencies. Matalena works closely with two groups specifically tasked with supporting government to deliver Pacific economic development goals. These are the MBIE Pacific Strategic Think Tank, which includes the Ministry of Pacific Island Affairs (MPIA); and the Pacific Senior Officials Group which provides a central point for sharing and discussing Pacific work across government. Before joining MBIE, Matalena was Private Secretary for Minister Tariana Turia, and before that a Senior Advisor and Pacific Strategy Coordinator in the former Department of Labour.

Research Interest

MBIE supports Pacific communities’ economic development through better coordination and facilitation of economic development initiatives, and by working collaboratively with other government agencies. Matalena works closely with two groups specifically tasked with supporting government to deliver Pacific economic development goals. These are the MBIE Pacific Strategic Think Tank, which includes the Ministry of Pacific Island Affairs (MPIA); and the Pacific Senior Officials Group which provides a central point for sharing and discussing Pacific work across government. Before joining MBIE, Matalena was Private Secretary for Minister Tariana Turia, and before that a Senior Advisor and Pacific Strategy Coordinator in the former Department of Labour.

Global Experts from New Zealand

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