A. James (jim) Mcquillan
Otago University
New Zealand
Professor A. James (Jim) McQuillan Spectroscopy at the solid/solution interface Department of Chemistry Otago university
Research Interest
natural and industrial systems
Upritchard, H. G., Yang, J., Bremer, P. J., Lamont, I. L., & McQuillan, A. J. Adsorption of enterobactin to metal oxides and the role of siderophores in bacterial adhesion to metals. Langmuir 27:10587-10596 (2011).
Petrone, L.; McQuillan, A. J. Alginate ion adsorption to TiO2 particle film and interactions with calcium ions investigated by ATR-IR spectroscopy. Applied Spectroscopy 65: 1162-1169 (2011).
Scholz, J., McQuillan, A. J., & Holt, K. B. Redox transformations at nanodiamond surfaces revealed by in situ infrared spectroscopy, Chemical Communications, 47: 12140-12142 (2011).