Alex Trapeznik
Associate Professor
Otago University
New Zealand
1995: PhD (ANU) 1988: MA (Tas) 1981: DipHum (La Trobe) 1979: GDipMusStud (PCAE) 1978: BA (La Trobe)
Research Interest
Associate Professor Alexander Trapeznik teaches courses in Russian History, World History and Public History. His research interests include the role of revolutionary ideology, social and political movements and class conflict in nineteenth and twentieth century Russia. In relation to New Cold War History his work in this area seeks to reinterpret the Comintern’s position in an international and national context. Finally, in the burgeoning field of Public History he is particularly interested in historical and cultural heritage management issues in New Zealand.
Trapeznik, A. (2017, May). Dunedin adopts and adapts to the motor car 1901-1930. University Club Lecture, Dunedin, New Zealand. [Invited Presentation].
Trapeznik, A. (2017). New Zealand, local history in. In A. H. Wilson (Ed.), Encyclopedia of local history. (3rd ed.) (pp. 505-507). Lanham, MD: Rowman & LIttlefield. [Encyclopaedia/Dictionary Entry].