Claire Freeman
Otago University
New Zealand
Claire Freeman Position:Professor Qualifications:BA\(Rhodes) MA(Witw) PhD(Leeds) PGDipTP PGDipEnvMan(C England)
Research Interest
Planning and development of the natural environment; biodiversity and conservation planning, open space planning. Role of domestic gardens in urban biodiversity planning: Long term project looking at garden biodiversity. Planning with children; children and young people's participation in planning and the environment and environmental education and Sustainable settlements; focusing on community planning and planning for the natural urban environment
Freeman, C. (2017). Cities that encourage happiness. In C. R. Ergler, R. Kearns & K. Witten (Eds.), Children's health and wellbeing in urban environments. (pp. 84-98). Abingdon, UK: Routledge.
Freeman, C., & Tranter, P. (2017). Volume 12: Editorial: Risk, protection, provision and policy in geographies of children and young people. In C. Freeman, P. Tranter & T. Skelton (Eds.), Risk, protection, provision and policy. (pp. ix-xvii). Singapore: Springer Science+Business Media.
Freeman, C., Tranter, P., & Skelton, T. (Eds.). (2017). Risk, protection, provision and policy. Singapore: Springer Science+Business Media, 441p. doi: 10.1007/978-981-287-035-3