David Bryant
Mathematics and Statistics
Otago University
New Zealand
Associate Professor of Mathematical Biology, University of Auckland, 2008--10 Senior Lecturer in Mathematical Biology, University of Auckland, 2005-2007 Associate Professor, Dept. Mathematics and Statistics, McGill University, Montreal. 2005 Assistant Professor, School of Computer Science and Department of Mathematics and Statistics, McGill University, Montreal. 2001-2005 Postdoc at LIRMM, Montpellier, with Olivier Gascuel, 2000-2001 Postdoc at CRM, Montreal, with David Sankoff, 1998-2000 Ph.D. (Mathematics) at University of Canterbury with Mike Steel 1994-1997
Research Interest
Mathematical, statistical, and computational aspects of evolutionary biology. Much of my work to date has focused on phylogenetics, the reconstructon of evolutionary history. I am currently investigating areas of cross-over between phylogenetics, population genetics and geography.
Mehta, R., Bryant, D., Rosenberg, N. The probability of monophyly of a sample of gene lineages on a species tree. Invited manuscript, PNAS.
Bryant, D, Nies, A. and Tupper, P. 2016. A diversity analogue of the Urysohn metric space.