Dr Fabien Montiel
Otago University
New Zealand
Dr Fabien Montiel is a lecturer in otago university. Department of Otago university.
Research Interest
Multiple scattering theory Polar marine modelling Marine renewable energy
Montiel, F., Chung, H., Karimi, M. and Kessissoglou, N. (2017). An analytical and numerical investigation of acoustic attenuation by a finite sonic crystal. Wave Motion, 70, 135–151, DOI: 10.1016/j.wavemoti.2016.12.002.
Bennetts, L.G., Peter, M.A. and Montiel, F. (2017). Localisation of Rayleigh–Bloch waves and damping of resonant loads on arrays of vertical cylinders. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 813, 508–527, DOI: 10.1017/jfm.2016.855.
Montiel, F. and Squire, V.A. (2017). Modelling wave-induced ice breakup in the marginal ice zone. Proceedings of the Royal Society A, 473, 20170258, DOI:10.1098/rspa.2017.0258.